When it comes to curtailing our carbon footprint, less traveling seems one of the simplest ways to accomplish this. After all, planes are responsible for releasing a good amount of carbon into the air. As a result, air traveling can play a major role in global warming and even climate change.
In saying that, there are multiple ways to make travel more Eco-friendly for those of us who want to see a more green world.
Today we’re discussing some tips on sustainable travel ranging from packing to utilizing reusable cotton bags.
Tip #1: Say No to Short Distance Flights
The easiest way to make your travel Eco-friendly is by avoiding flights altogether. This is necessary as every metric ton of carbon dioxide shrinks the Arctic ice cover by nearly three square meters.
If you need to travel longer distances, boat travel is a popular Eco-friendly alternative. But the best way to travel is via trains as they emit the fewest level of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. This also provides you with an opportunity to slow travel and take in the journey and landscapes.
If you have to fly, avoid short-distance air travel as it results in more pollution by miles.
Tip #2: Pack Lightly And Smartly
The more your plane weighs, the more carbon emissions it’ll produce. This is why you must pack fewer clothes and bring essential items. In fact, you should also consider opting for a capsule wardrobe.
What you bring with you on your travels can affect the destination’s environment—for example, bring biodegradable shampoos and detergents.
Tip #3: Say No To Plastic
The negative effects plastic has on the environment are no secret. It’s especially true if you consider single-use items like coffee cups, bottled water, and shopping bags. These plastics make their way into the oceans and landfills to produce greenhouse gases.
One of the simplest ways to curtail plastic use on your trips is by bringing a travel mug, a stainless steel bottle, and some reusable cotton bags with you.
Are you looking for top-shelf reusable shopping bags? Then consider Sammy Shopping Bags‘ products.
Here at Sammy Shopping Bags, we strive to provide Eco-friendly and sustainable bags made from high-quality organic cotton. All of our compartment multi-purpose shopping bags are affordable, durable, and practical.
So what are you waiting for? Visit our website to shop our multi-purpose shopping bags today or contact us now for more information.